WordPress Care Plans and Ongoing Maintenance Packages

Ensure your WordPress site stays optimized, secure, and up-to-date with our dedicated Care Plans and Ongoing Maintenance Packages.

WordPress care plan and support

What Is a WordPress Care Plan?

WordPress is a great platform for building websites but it usually needs regular maintenance and updates to obtain the best performance and security. That’s why a WordPress care plan is important.

A WordPress care plan is a package of important website services that takes care of all the technical aspects of your website, giving you peace of mind to focus on your business goals.

A care plan typically includes development hours for custom code or functionality and unlimited website edits, plugin and theme updates, security monitoring, uptime monitoring, regular backups, performance optimization and more. This means you can easily make changes to your site or add new features without having to worry about an hourly rate or turnaround time.

With a care plan in place, you don’t have to worry about potential issues that might arise from outdated software or security vulnerabilities. A dedicated team of WordPress experts ensures that your site is always up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly.

WordPress care plan screen

Key Features of a Good WordPress Care Plan

A WordPress care plan should contain a comprehensive package of services to help website owners maintain and grow their online presence including:

Unlimited WordPress edits

Unlimited Website Edits and Tasks

Unlimited website edits and tasks allows website owners to keep their websites up-to-date and make necessary changes without any limitations, offering peace of mind.

The ability to make website changes without restrictions enables business owners to address any issues or make improvements without delay. Whether it’s updating product information, adding new features, or fixing a layout problem, clients can rely on their WordPress Care Plan to handle these tasks efficiently.

Regular updates, both in terms of content and design, help to keep the website relevant and engaging. With the unlimited website edits feature, clients can easily make these updates whenever needed, ensuring their website is always up-to-date.

And one of the main advantages of having trained WordPress developers handle unlimited edits is the expertise they bring to the table. These professionals have extensive knowledge of the WordPress platform and can quickly and effectively execute any requested changes. This leads to improved efficiency and better overall satisfaction with the website design process because tasks are completed with precision and within a reasonable timeframe.

Regular Maintenance and Updates to WordPress Plugins and Themes

Regular maintenance and updates are crucial when it comes to WordPress plugins and themes. Keeping these aspects up-to-date plays a vital role in the overall performance and security of clients’ websites.

Regular maintenance involves updating WordPress plugins and themes to their latest versions. These updates often include bug fixes, improvements in functionality, and new features. By staying on top of these updates, you can ensure that your website remains in line with the latest industry standards and technology advancements.

Updating WordPress plugins and themes (including premium plugins) not only enhances your website’s performance but also addresses potential security vulnerabilities. As part of the maintenance services your developers should continuously work to identify and fix any security issues that may arise, ensuring the protection of your website from potential threats.
Regular website updates under a maintenance plan contributes to the overall stability and smooth functioning of a website.

Outdated plugins and themes can lead to compatibility issues and conflicts, affecting the website’s performance and user experience. By regularly updating these elements, you can optimize your website’s efficiency, speed, and functionality.

WordPress website performance and conversion optimisation

Improved Website Performance and Conversions

Having a regular developer working on your website plays a crucial role in improving website performance and increasing conversions. A good maintenance plan ensures that your website performs at its peak, providing visitors with a fast and seamless browsing experience. Optimizing server configurations and implementing efficient caching mechanisms to minimize latency allows users to access content quickly.

Additionally, a good care plan should include cache and CDN configuration to further enhance website performance by providing faster load times and distributing content across a global network of servers. This not only improves load times but also reduces server load, resulting in increased scalability and reliability.

One thing that many people do not consider is the regular removal of unused plugins, themes, and database clutter to reduce the overall size of a website, resulting in faster load times and improved performance. A care plan should also allow the use of a staging website, allowing changes and updates to be tested and reviewed before being applied to the live site. This helps catch any errors or compatibility issues, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted user experience.

By focusing on website performance, implementing server-side optimization techniques and prioritizing testing, a WordPress care plan improves website performance, enhances user experience, and ultimately increases conversions.

WordPress Security Monitoring and Malware Removal

WordPress Security Monitoring and Malware Removal are crucial components of a comprehensive care plan for WordPress websites. With the increasing number of security threats on the internet, it has become essential to implement robust security measures to protect websites from potential risks.

WordPress security monitoring involves constantly monitoring the website for any vulnerabilities or suspicious activities. This includes regular scans to identify malware, viruses, and other malicious code that can compromise the website’s integrity. By detecting and addressing these security issues promptly, you can ensure your website remains safe and secure.

In the event of a malware infection or a hacked website you need efficient malware removal services. Under a support and care plan a team of security experts will thoroughly analyze the website, identify the source of the malware, and take necessary steps to remove it. This involves cleaning up infected files, repairing any damages caused by the malware, and implementing preventive measures to avoid recurrence.

By implementing WordPress security monitoring and malware removal, website owners can have peace of mind knowing that their online presence is protected. With regular vulnerability scanning and prompt malware removal, the care plan minimizes the risk of data breaches, unauthorized access, and other security threats. This ensures a secure and reliable website experience for visitors, while also safeguarding the business’s reputation.

Website security
Website uptime monitoring

Website Uptime Monitoring and Backup Services

Website uptime monitoring involves continuously monitoring the website to ensure it is accessible and running smoothly for users. It helps in identifying any issues that may cause downtime, such as server failures or network outages, allowing for prompt resolution. By minimizing downtime, website uptime monitoring ensures that visitors can access the website at any time, enhancing their user experience and preventing potential revenue loss for businesses.

Regular backups are equally important as they mitigate the damage caused by a broken site. In the unfortunate event of a website crash or data loss, regular backups provide a safety net. They allow for easy restoration of the website to a previous working state, minimizing the impact on the online presence of businesses. With regular backups in place, businesses can quickly recover from any potential issues, including security breaches, plugin conflicts, or coding errors.

Backups provide an added layer of protection by ensuring that the website’s data is constantly backed up. In the event of a compromised website or a malicious attack, daily backups enable swift restoration, minimizing downtime and reducing the chance of data loss. This not only helps in maintaining the website’s functionality but also enhances the trust and confidence of visitors in the business’s online presence.

Types of Care Plans for your WordPress website

There are various types of care plans available for WordPress websites, each designed to provide different levels of maintenance and support.

These care plans offer peace of mind to business owners by ensuring that their websites are regularly updated, backed up, and secure. They typically include services such as plugin and theme updates, security monitoring, uptime monitoring, malware removal, and regular maintenance.

Businesses can choose from different plans depending on their specific needs and budget. The best care plans offer unlimited website edits and custom development hours, allowing businesses to make continuous improvements to their online presence.

By investing in a care plan, business owners can focus on their core operations while leaving the technical aspects of website management to the experts.

WordPress care plan team

WP Runner WordPress Care Plans

No lock-in contracts. Cancel anytime.

We also have a $59 standard plan*

*Our $59 standard plan includes everything from the professional plan except you receive 30 minutes of support time per month instead of unlimited

What WP Runner Customers say

Comparison of the care plans that are offered at WP Runner:

Unlimited Care Plan

Best for Unlimited Website Support for a Single Website

Premium Care Plan

Best for Websites That Want to Scale Up and Agencies

Unlimited Care Plan

Best for unlimited website support for a single website

Unlimited website edits

With WP Runner's Unlimited Professional Support plan you get unlimited website edits and tasks for the scope of your plan, allowing you to make changes to your website whenever you need them. Our dedicated team is available to assist you, ensuring your website always reflects your business goals and objectives.

Maintenance and Updates

We also provide regular maintenance and updates, taking care of all software and plugin updates to keep your website running smoothly and securely as well as perform regular website backups.

Performance and Security Audits

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we conduct regular performance and security audits to identify any areas that need attention and make necessary adjustments and include 24/7 uptime monitoring to track and resolve any potential issues, minimizing any downtime and maximizing your website's availability.

Website security protection and analysis
With this Unlimited Website Support plan you can trust that your website is in capable hands, having a dedicated team maintaining, updating, and monitoring your website, while you focus on your business.

Premium Care Plan

Best for websites that want to scale up and best for agencies

Advanced website edits and tasks

On the other hand WP Runner's Premium Unlimited Support Plan offers an unparalleled level of support and maintenance for your website. With this plan, you will have access to unlimited advanced website edits and tasks, allowing you to make any changes or additions you need without limitations in complexity.

Multiple website support

You can also use this plan with multiple websites which is perfect for agencies and folks that want to scale up their digital business.

Dedicated Developer

One of the other key benefits of this plan is your personal dedicated developer and account manager that will be assigned to your website. They will be available to assist you with any technical issues or website updates, ensuring that your website always reflects your business objectives.

Happy WordPress care plan customer

24/7 Monitoring

With 24/7 uptime monitoring, we proactively track your website's availability and resolve any potential issues. This minimizes any downtime and ensures that your website is up and running at all times, providing a seamless user experience for your visitors.

Maintenance and Backups

We also perform regular website backups and updates for your WordPress plugins and themes. This ensures that your website remains secure, as it is protected against any vulnerabilities that may arise from outdated software. Additionally, we optimize your website for improved performance and conversions, enhancing both user experience and search engine rankings.


To further enhance your website's security, we provide WordPress security monitoring to detect and prevent any potential threats. In the event of malware or security issues, our team will work to remove threats and restore your website's integrity.

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we conduct regular performance and security audits to identify any areas that require attention. This allows us to make necessary adjustments and ensure that your website is always at its best.

With our Premium Support Plan, you can have peace of mind knowing that your website is in expert hands, allowing you to focus on your business.

Premium Care Plan (Best for Websites That Want to Scale Up and Agencies)

Choosing the right WordPress support plan is essential for the smooth operation and maintenance of your website. With so many options available, it’s important to consider a few key factors.

First and foremost, assess the level of support and expertise offered by the care plan provider. Look for a dedicated team with a proven record of success who can address any technical issues and assist with updates to align with your business objectives.

Additionally, consider the extent of monitoring and maintenance provided, such as whether you can make unlimited website edits and updates, access to backups, malware detection and uptime monitoring. Lastly, consider if the care plan includes performance optimization services to ensure your website delivers a seamless user experience and enhances search engine rankings. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a WordPress care plan that best meets your website’s needs and provides peace of mind.

Website Maintenance Packages vs. Hourly Rates

When it comes to WordPress care plans, there are some important differences between ongoing website maintenance packages and hourly rates. Website maintenance packages offer a comprehensive and fixed-price solution for the ongoing care and maintenance of your website. These packages typically include services such as unlimited edits and tasks, software updates, security measures, uptime monitoring, and dedicated support.

In contrast, hourly rates are more suitable for one-time or sporadic tasks that may arise. While hourly rates can be convenient for smaller, short-term projects, they can lead to variable and inconsistent quality in the long run. The time pressures of hourly rates can also encourage your developer to make short-term decisions instead of considering the long-term benefits for your website.

Choosing a website maintenance package provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your website will receive regular updates and security measures without any additional charges. With a fixed-price plan, you can budget for your website’s maintenance needs without any surprises.

Strategies to make your website load faster
WP Runner developer performing WordPress support tasks

Having a Dedicated Team Working on Your Online Presence & Goals

One of the key benefits of having a dedicated team is they get to know your website and goals, this is an extreme advantage to any business because it is just like having your own in-house developer on your team with their in-depth knowledge and experience in managing WordPress websites. They are well-versed in the latest trends and best practices, enabling them to provide professional guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s plugin updates, theme updates, or software updates, a dedicated team will handle them efficiently and effectively, ensuring that your website functions smoothly and stays protected against potential security issues.

By entrusting your website to a dedicated team, you can focus on your core business activities while they take care of your online presence. With their technical expertise and support, you can confidently pursue your business goals, knowing that your website is in capable hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, there is not a longterm contract for WordPress care plans. Our WordPress care plans are offered on a monthly basis with no longterm obligation. This allows you to get the most out of your plan without having to commit to anything in the future.

Starting with a WordPress care plan team can be done quickly and easily. It typically takes less than one day to get up and running. The first step is to providing your WordPress login details (securely provided during sign up) and once that is done we can get started on tasks for your website.

There aren’t any extra fees associated with your WordPress support. We offer our support plans for a flat rate each month. This means that you don’t have to worry about paying extra fees for things like updates, backups, website security and other essential services.

WP Runner is a global team headquartered in Brisbane, Australia. We service customers all over the world from North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and more.

When it comes to building a website using WordPress, the answer is yes—you will need a web hosting service. Website hosting is an essential part of having a successful website, as it allows your site to be available on the internet 24/7. Without web hosting, no one can access or view your WordPress website. You are welcome to continue to use your current hosting or if you need help selecting a hosting provider we can help suggest some affordable website hosting and help you migrate your website.

When it comes to working with a WordPress development team, you should expect them to provide a high level of expertise in website design and development. The team should be knowledgeable in all aspects of the platform, from installation and customization to theme and plugin selection. Additionally, they should be able to work with you to create an personalised solutions that fits your requirements.

Power your website with WP Runner
